- package com.syntifi.casper.sdk.service;
- import;
- import;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import com.googlecode.jsonrpc4j.ExceptionResolver;
- import com.googlecode.jsonrpc4j.JsonRpcHttpClient;
- import com.googlecode.jsonrpc4j.JsonRpcMethod;
- import com.googlecode.jsonrpc4j.JsonRpcParam;
- import com.googlecode.jsonrpc4j.JsonRpcParamsPassMode;
- import com.googlecode.jsonrpc4j.ProxyUtil;
- import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.exception.CasperClientExceptionResolver;
- import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.identifier.block.BlockIdentifier;
- import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.identifier.dictionary.DictionaryIdentifier;
- import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.account.AccountData;
- import;
- import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.balance.BalanceData;
- import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.block.JsonBlockData;
- import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.deploy.Deploy;
- import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.deploy.DeployData;
- import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.deploy.DeployResult;
- import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.dictionary.DictionaryData;
- import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.era.EraInfoData;
- import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.peer.PeerData;
- import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.stateroothash.StateRootHashData;
- import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.status.StatusData;
- import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.storedvalue.StoredValueData;
- import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.transfer.TransferData;
- /**
- * Interface to be used as Dynamic Proxy for RPC method operation
- *
- * @author Alexandre Carvalho
- * @author Andre Bertolace
- * @since 0.0.1
- */
- public interface CasperService {
- /**
- * Get network peers data
- *
- * @return Object holding the api version and peer list
- */
- @JsonRpcMethod("info_get_peers")
- public PeerData getPeerData();
- /**
- * Get latest block info
- *
- * @return Object holding the api version and block
- */
- @JsonRpcMethod("chain_get_block")
- public JsonBlockData getBlock();
- /**
- * Retrieve block info by its {@link BlockIdentifier}
- *
- * @param blockIdentifier BlockIdentifier data
- * @return Object holding the api version and block
- */
- @JsonRpcMethod("chain_get_block")
- public JsonBlockData getBlock(@JsonRpcParam("block_identifier") BlockIdentifier blockIdentifier);
- /**
- * Retrieve last block's transfers
- *
- * @return Object holding the api version and transfer data
- */
- @JsonRpcMethod("chain_get_block_transfers")
- public TransferData getBlockTransfers();
- /**
- * Retrieve block transfers by its {@link BlockIdentifier}
- *
- * @param blockIdentifier BlockIdentifier data
- * @return Object holding the api version and transfer data
- */
- @JsonRpcMethod("chain_get_block_transfers")
- public TransferData getBlockTransfers(@JsonRpcParam("block_identifier") BlockIdentifier blockIdentifier);
- /**
- * Returns a state root hash at the last Block
- *
- * @return Object holding the api version and state root hash data
- */
- @JsonRpcMethod("chain_get_state_root_hash")
- public StateRootHashData getStateRootHash();
- /**
- * Returns a state root hash at a given a {@link BlockIdentifier}
- *
- * @param blockIdentifier BlockIdentifier data
- * @return Object holding the api version and state root hash data
- */
- @JsonRpcMethod("chain_get_state_root_hash")
- public StateRootHashData getStateRootHash(@JsonRpcParam("block_identifier") BlockIdentifier blockIdentifier);
- /**
- * Returns a stored value from the network
- *
- * @param stateRootHash Hash of the state root
- * @param key `casper_types::Key` as formatted string
- * @param path The path components starting from the key as base
- * @return Object holding the api version, the merkle proof and the stored value
- * data
- */
- @JsonRpcMethod("state_get_item")
- public StoredValueData getStateItem(@JsonRpcParam("state_root_hash") String stateRootHash,
- @JsonRpcParam("key") String key, @JsonRpcParam("path") List<String> path);
- /**
- * Returns an EraInfo from the network
- *
- * @param blockIdentifier BlockIdentifier data
- * @return Object holding api version and EraInfo
- */
- @JsonRpcMethod("chain_get_era_info_by_switch_block")
- public EraInfoData getEraInfoBySwitchBlock(@JsonRpcParam("block_identifier") BlockIdentifier blockIdentifier);
- /**
- * Returns a Deploy from the network
- *
- * @param deployHash The deploy hash
- * @return Object holding the api version, the deploy and the map of block hash
- * to execution result
- */
- @JsonRpcMethod("info_get_deploy")
- public DeployData getDeploy(@JsonRpcParam("deploy_hash") String deployHash);
- /**
- * Returns the current status of the node
- *
- * @return Object holding the apiversion, minimal block information, build
- * version and other properties
- */
- @JsonRpcMethod("info_get_status")
- public StatusData getStatus();
- /**
- * Returns an Account from the network
- *
- * @param publicKey the account's public key
- * @param blockIdentifier BlockIdentifier data
- * @return Oject holding the api version, the account data and the merkle proof
- */
- @JsonRpcMethod("state_get_account_info")
- public AccountData getStateAccountInfo(@JsonRpcParam("public_key") String publicKey,
- @JsonRpcParam("block_identifier") BlockIdentifier blockIdentifier);
- /**
- * Returns the Auction info for a given block
- *
- * @param blockIdentifier BlockIdentifier data
- * @return Object holding the api version and auction state data
- */
- @JsonRpcMethod("state_get_auction_info")
- public AuctionData getStateAuctionInfo(@JsonRpcParam("block_identifier") BlockIdentifier blockIdentifier);
- /**
- * Lookup a dictionary item via an Contract's named keys. Returns an item from a
- * Dictionary given the AccountNamedKey/ContractNamedKey/Dictionary/Uref
- *
- * @param stateRootHash the hash of state root
- * @param dictionaryIdentifier any concrete DictionaryIdentifier
- * @return Object holding the api version, the dictionary key, the merkle proof
- * and the stored value
- */
- @JsonRpcMethod("state_get_dictionary_item")
- public DictionaryData getStateDictionaryItem(@JsonRpcParam("state_root_hash") String stateRootHash,
- @JsonRpcParam("dictionary_identifier") DictionaryIdentifier dictionaryIdentifier);
- /**
- * Fetches balance value
- *
- * @param stateRootHash the hash of state root
- * @param purseUref formatted URef
- * @return Result for "state_get_balance" RPC response
- */
- @JsonRpcMethod("state_get_balance")
- public BalanceData getBalance(@JsonRpcParam("state_root_hash") String stateRootHash,
- @JsonRpcParam("purse_uref") String purseUref);
- /**
- * Sends a deploy to be received by the network
- *
- * @param deploy the deploy object to send to the network
- * @return Object holding the api version and the deploy hash
- */
- @JsonRpcMethod(value = "account_put_deploy", paramsPassMode = JsonRpcParamsPassMode.ARRAY)
- public DeployResult putDeploy(Deploy deploy);
- /**
- * Builds a CasperService for the node ip/port pair
- *
- * @param ip the peer ip to connect to
- * @param port the service port of the peer
- * @return A Dynamic Proxy to CasperService
- * @throws MalformedURLException is thrown if ip/port are not compliant
- */
- public static CasperService usingPeer(String ip, int port) throws MalformedURLException {
- CasperObjectMapper objectMapper = new CasperObjectMapper();
- Map<String, String> newHeaders = new HashMap<>();
- newHeaders.put("Content-Type", "application/json");
- JsonRpcHttpClient client = new JsonRpcHttpClient(objectMapper, new URL("http", ip, port, "/rpc"),
- newHeaders);
- ExceptionResolver exceptionResolver = new CasperClientExceptionResolver();
- client.setExceptionResolver(exceptionResolver);
- return ProxyUtil.createClientProxy(CasperService.class.getClassLoader(), CasperService.class, client);
- }
- }