All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractAnyOfDeserializer |
Core Deserializer for the CLValue property.
AbstractCLType |
Basic class for CLType implementation
AbstractCLTypeBasic |
Base class for all types which are simple mappings
AbstractCLTypeWithChildren |
Base class for all types which have an array of child types
AbstractCLValue<T,P extends AbstractCLType> |
Base class for CLValues
AbstractCLValueWithChildren<T,P extends AbstractCLType> |
Abstract class for those CLValues which have a child collection
AbstractSerializedKeyTaggedHex<T extends Tag> |
Hex-encoded key, including the tag byte.
AbstractSerializedKeyTaggedHexDeserializer<T extends AbstractSerializedKeyTaggedHex<S>,S extends Tag> |
Customize the mapping of Casper's Hex String preceeded by the crypto
algorithm tag such as PublicKey/Signature
Account |
Structure representing a user's account, stored in global state.
AccountData |
Root class for a Casper block request
AccountNamedKey |
Account named key for dictionary item calls
AccountNamedKeyDictionaryIdentifier |
ActionThresholds |
Thresholds that have to be met when executing an action of a certain type.
ActivationPoint |
The first era to which the associated protocol version applies
AddInt32 |
An implmentation of Transform that Adds the given `i32`
AddKeys |
An implmentation of Transform that Adds the given collection of named keys.
AddUInt128 |
An implmentation of Transform that Adds the given `u128`
AddUInt256 |
An implmentation of Transform that Adds the given `u256`
AddUInt512 |
An implmentation of Transform that Adds the given `u512`
AddUInt64 |
An implmentation of Transform that Adds the given `u64`
AlgorithmTag |
Algorithm byte tag
Approval |
A struct containing a signature and the public key of the signer
AssociatedKey |
Associated Key
AuctionData |
Root class for a Casper auction info request
AuctionState |
Data structure summarizing auction contract data
BalanceData |
Root class for a Casper balance data request Result for "state_get_balance"
RPC response
Bid |
An entry in the validator map.
BlockIdentifier |
Simple contract interface for BlockIdentifier parameter
BufferEndCLValueDecodeException |
Thrown when trying to read a value when all bytes were read
CasperClientErrorData |
Json RPC service error data
CasperClientException |
Thrown on casper RPC service error
CasperClientExceptionResolver |
Custom exception handler for jsonrpc4j client
CasperObjectMapper |
Custom Jackson ObjectMapper for any customizations
CasperService |
Interface to be used as Dynamic Proxy for RPC method operation
CLTypeAny |
CLTypeBool |
CLTypeByteArray |
CLTypeData |
Casper CLType definitions and type mappings
All types must be listed and mapped here.
CLTypeDeserializer |
Core Deserializer for the CLType property.
CLTypeFixedList |
CLTypeI32 |
CLTypeI64 |
CLTypeKey |
CLTypeList |
CLTypeMap |
CLTypeOption |
CLTypePublicKey |
CLTypeResolver |
Specification of the Custom Type Resolver for CLType subtype identification.
CLTypeResult |
CLTypeString |
CLTypeTuple1 |
CLTypeTuple2 |
CLTypeTuple3 |
CLTypeU128 |
CLTypeU256 |
CLTypeU32 |
CLTypeU512 |
CLTypeU64 |
CLTypeU8 |
CLTypeUnit |
CLTypeURef |
CLValueAny |
Casper Object CLValue implementation
CLValueBool |
Casper Bool CLValue implementation
CLValueByteArray |
Casper ByteArray CLValue implementation
CLValueDecodeException |
Thrown when CLValue could not be decoded
CLValueDecoder |
Casper CLValue Decoding methods
CLValueDeserializer |
Core Deserializer for the CLValue property.
CLValueEncodeException |
Thrown when CLValue could not be encoded
CLValueEncoder |
Casper CLValue Encoding methods
CLValueFixedList |
Casper List CLValue implementation
CLValueI32 |
Casper I32 CLValue implementation
CLValueI64 |
Casper I64 CLValue implementation
CLValueKey |
Casper Key CLValue implementation
CLValueList |
Casper List CLValue implementation
CLValueMap |
Casper Map CLValue implementation
CLValueOption |
Casper Option CLValue implementation
CLValuePublicKey |
Casper PublicKey CLValue implementation
CLValueResolver |
Specification of the Custom Type Resolver for CLValue subtype identification.
CLValueResult |
Casper Result CLValue implementation
CLValueString |
Casper String CLValue implementation
CLValueTuple1 |
Casper Tuple1 CLValue implementation
CLValueTuple2 |
Casper Tuple2 CLValue implementation
CLValueTuple3 |
Casper Tuple3 CLValue implementation
CLValueU128 |
Casper U128 CLValue implementation
CLValueU256 |
Casper U256 CLValue implementation
CLValueU32 |
Casper U32 CLValue implementation
CLValueU512 |
Casper U512 CLValue implementation
CLValueU64 |
Casper U64 CLValue implementation
CLValueU8 |
Casper U8 CLValue implementation
CLValueUnit |
Casper Unit CLValue implementation
Unit is singleton value without additional semantics and serializes to an
empty byte array.
CLValueURef |
Casper Boolean CLURef implementation URef is a tuple that contains the
address of the URef and the access rights to that URef.
Contract |
Methods and type signatures supported by a contract.
ContractNamedKey |
Contract named key for dictionary item calls
ContractNamedKeyDictionaryIdentifier |
ContractPackage |
Contract definition, metadata, and security container
ContractVersion |
Contract version information
ContractWasm |
A contract's Wasm.
DecodableValue |
Delegator |
Represents a party delegating their stake to a validator (or \"delegatee\")
Delegator |
Deploy |
A deploy; an item containing a smart contract along with the requester's
DeployData |
Root class for a Casper deploy request
DeployHeader |
The header portion of a [`Deploy`](struct.Deploy.html).
DeployInfo |
Information relating to the given Deploy
DeployResult |
Result for the account_put_deploy RPC response
DeserializationException |
Thrown in case of deserialization error
DictionaryData |
Dictionary key and stored value
DictionaryIdentifier |
Simple contract interface for DictionaryIdentifier parameter
DisabledVersion |
Contract disabled version information
DynamicInstanceException |
Thrown when some error occurs while dynamically instantiating an object
EncodableValue |
Entry |
A transformation performed while executing a deploy.
EntryPoint |
No description available
EntryPoint.EntryPointAccess |
EntryPoint.EntryPointAccessEnum |
EntryPoint.EntryPointType |
Context of method execution
EraInfo |
Auction metadata.
EraInfoData |
An EraInfo from the network
EraSummary |
The summary of an era
ExcludeFromJacocoGeneratedReport |
Annotation to exclude methods from jacoco (code coverage) report
ExecutableDeployItem |
Abstract Executable Deploy Item containing the runtime args of the contract.
ExecutionEffect |
The effect of executing a single deploy
ExecutionResult |
Abstract Executable Result containing the details of the contract execution.
Failure |
Abstract Executable Result of type Failure containing the details of the
contract execution.
Failure |
An implmentation of Transform that gives details about a failed transformation,
containing an error message
Group |
A (labelled) "user group".
Groups |
HashBlockIdentifier |
HeightBlockIdentifier |
InvalidByteStringException |
Thrown in case of an invalid (unparseable) encoded byte string
JsonBid |
An entry in a founding validator map representing a bid.
JsonBids |
An entry in a founding validator map representing a bid.
JsonBlock |
A JSON-friendly representation of `Block`
JsonBlockBody |
A JSON-friendly representation of `Body`
JsonBlockData |
Root class for a Casper block request
JsonBlockHeader |
Holds the header data of a Casper block
JsonDelegator |
A delegator associated with the give validator
JsonEraEnd |
Casper block root Era data
JsonEraReport |
Equivocation and reward information to be included in the terminal block.
JsonEraValidators |
An entry in the validator map.
JsonExecutionResult |
The execution result of a single deploy.
JsonProof |
Holds the block proof data
JsonValidatorWeight |
Casper block validator weight
Key |
Hex-encoded key, including the tag info.
KeyDeserializer |
Customize the mapping of Casper's PublicKey
KeyTag |
MinimalBlockInfo |
Minimal info of a `Block`
ModuleBytes |
Abstract Executable Deploy Item containing the ModuleBytes of the contract.
NamedArg<T,P extends AbstractCLType> |
Named arguments to a contract
NamedKey |
A named key.
NextUpgrade |
Information about the next scheduled upgrade
NoSuchKeyTagException |
Thrown in case of a Key tag which does not exist being requested
NoSuchTypeException |
Thrown in case of a CLType which does not exist being requested
NotImplementedException |
A simple exception to cover not implemented functionality
Operation |
An operation performed while executing a deploy.
OpKind |
The type of operation performed while executing a deploy.
Parameter |
Parameter to a method
PeerData |
Root class for a Casper peer info request
PeerEntry |
The node ID and network address of each connected peer.
PublicKey |
Hex-encoded cryptographic public key, including the algorithm tag prefix.
PublicKeyDeserializer |
Customize the mapping of Casper's PublicKey
Reward |
Casper block era reward data
SeigniorageAllocation |
Info about a seigniorage allocation for a validator
SerializationException |
Thrown in case of serialization error
Signature |
Hex-encoded cryptographic public key, including the algorithm tag prefix.
SignatureDeserializer |
Customize the mapping of Casper's Signature
StateRootHashData |
Root class for a Casper state root hash request
StatusData |
Returns the current status of the node
StoredContractByHash |
Abstract Executable Deploy Item containing the StoredContractByHash.
StoredContractByName |
Abstract Executable Deploy Item containing the StoredContractByName.
StoredValue<T> |
Stored Value interface and jackson resolver for subtypes
StoredValueAccount |
StoredValueBid |
StoredValueCLValue |
StoredValueContract |
StoredValueContractPackage |
StoredValueData |
Root class for a Casper Stored Value
StoredValueDeployInfo |
StoredValueDeserializer |
Core Deserializer for the CLValue property.
StoredValueEraInfo |
StoredValueResolver |
Specification of the Custom Type Resolver for CLValue subtype identification.
StoredValueTransfer |
StoredValueTypeData |
Stored Value type data and class mapping
StoredValueWithdraw |
StoredVersionedContractByHash |
Abstract Executable Deploy Item containing the StoredVersionedContractByHash.
StoredVersionedContractByName |
Abstract Executable Deploy Item containing the StoredVersionedContractByName.
StringByteHelper |
Helper methods for working with hex encoded string and bytes
StringDictionaryIdentifier |
Success |
Abstract Executable Result of type Success containing the details of the
contract execution.
Tag |
Interface for tagged keys
Transfer |
An AbstractExecutableDeployItem of Type Transfer containing the runtime args
of the contract.
Transfer |
Represents a transfer from one purse to another
TransferData |
Root class for a Casper transfer request
Transform |
Abstract Transform containing the actual transformation performed while
executing a deploy.
TransformDeserializer |
Core Deserializer for the CLValue property.
TransformResolver |
Specification of the Custom Type Resolver for CLValue subtype identification.
TransformTypeData |
UnbondingPurse |
Unbonding Purse
URef |
URef is a tuple that contains the address of the URef and the access rights
to that URef.
URefAccessRight |
Casper CLValue URef access rights definitons
URefDictionaryIdentifier |
URefSeed |
Seed URef for dictionary item calls
Validator |
ValidatorWeight |
Casper block validator weight
VestingSchedule |
Vesting schedule.
Withdraw |
A withdraw.
WriteAccount |
An implmentation of Transform that Writes the given Account to global state.
WriteBid |
An implmentation of Transform that Writes the given Bid to global state.
WriteCLValue |
An implmentation of Transform that Writes the given CLValue to global state.
WriteContract |
An implmentation of Transform that specifies any of the enum values
- Identity
- WriteContractWasm
- WriteContract
- WriteContractPackage
WriteDeployInfo |
An implmentation of Transform that Writes the given DeployInfo to global state.
WriteEraInfo |
An implmentation of Transform that Writes the given EraInfo to global state.
WriteTransfer |
An implmentation of Transform that Writes the given Transfer to global state.
WriteWithdraw |
An implmentation of Transform that Writes the given Withdraw to global state.