package com.syntifi.casper.sdk.service;

import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.exception.CLValueEncodeException;
import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.exception.DynamicInstanceException;
import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.exception.NoSuchTypeException;
import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.clvalue.CLValueOption;
import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.clvalue.CLValuePublicKey;
import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.clvalue.CLValueU512;
import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.clvalue.CLValueU64;
import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.clvalue.cltype.CLTypeOption;
import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.clvalue.cltype.CLTypePublicKey;
import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.clvalue.cltype.CLTypeU512;
import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.clvalue.encdec.CLValueEncoder;
import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.common.Digest;
import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.common.Ttl;
import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.deploy.Approval;
import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.deploy.Deploy;
import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.deploy.DeployHeader;
import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.deploy.NamedArg;
import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.deploy.executabledeploy.ModuleBytes;
import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.deploy.executabledeploy.Transfer;
import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.key.PublicKey;
import com.syntifi.casper.sdk.model.key.Signature;
import com.syntifi.crypto.key.AbstractPrivateKey;
import com.syntifi.crypto.key.hash.Blake2b;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Random;

 * Deploy Service class implementing the process to generate deploys
 * @author Alexandre Carvalho
 * @author Andre Bertolace
 * @since 0.2.0
public class CasperDeployService {

     * Method to generate a Transfer deploy
     * @param fromPrivateKey sender private Key
     * @param toPublicKey    receiver public key
     * @param amount         amount to transfer
     * @param chainName      network name
     * @return Deploy
     * @throws NoSuchTypeException      thrown if type not found
     * @throws DynamicInstanceException thrown if it could not instantiate a type
     * @throws CLValueEncodeException   thrown if failed to encode a cl value
     * @throws IOException              thrown if an IO error occurs
     * @throws GeneralSecurityException thrown when an error occurs with cryptographic keys
    public static Deploy buildTransferDeploy(AbstractPrivateKey fromPrivateKey,
                                             PublicKey toPublicKey, BigInteger amount, String chainName)
            throws IOException, CLValueEncodeException, DynamicInstanceException, NoSuchTypeException,
            GeneralSecurityException {
        long id = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt());
        BigInteger paymentAmount = BigInteger.valueOf(25000000000L);
        long gasPrice = 1L;
        Ttl ttl = Ttl
        return CasperDeployService.buildTransferDeploy(fromPrivateKey,
                toPublicKey, amount, chainName, id, paymentAmount,
                gasPrice, ttl, new Date(), new ArrayList<>());

     * @param fromPrivateKey private key of the sender
     * @param toPublicKey    public key of the receiver
     * @param amount         amount to transfer
     * @param id             id field in the request to tag the transaction
     * @param paymentAmount, the number of motes paying to the execution engine
     * @param gasPrice       gasPrice for native transfers can be set to 1
     * @param ttl            time to live in milliseconds (default value is 1800000
     *                       ms (30 minutes))
     * @return Deploy
     * @throws NoSuchTypeException      thrown if type not found
     * @throws DynamicInstanceException thrown if it could not instantiate a type
     * @throws CLValueEncodeException   thrown if failed to encode a cl value
     * @throws IOException              thrown if an IO error occurs
     * @throws GeneralSecurityException thrown when an error occurs with cryptographic keys
    public static Deploy buildTransferDeploy(AbstractPrivateKey fromPrivateKey, PublicKey toPublicKey,
                                             BigInteger amount, String chainName, Long id, BigInteger paymentAmount,
                                             Long gasPrice, Ttl ttl, Date date, List<Digest> dependencies)
            throws IOException, CLValueEncodeException, DynamicInstanceException, NoSuchTypeException,
            GeneralSecurityException {

        List<NamedArg<?>> transferArgs = new LinkedList<>();
        NamedArg<CLTypeU512> amountNamedArg = new NamedArg<>("amount",
                new CLValueU512(amount));
        NamedArg<CLTypePublicKey> publicKeyNamedArg = new NamedArg<>("target",
                new CLValuePublicKey(toPublicKey));
        CLValueOption idArg = new CLValueOption(Optional.of(
                new CLValueU64(BigInteger.valueOf(682008))));
        NamedArg<CLTypeOption> idNamedArg = new NamedArg<>("id", idArg);

        Transfer session = Transfer
        List<NamedArg<?>> paymentArgs = new LinkedList<>();
        NamedArg<CLTypeU512> paymentArg = new NamedArg<>("amount",
                new CLValueU512(paymentAmount));

        ModuleBytes payment = ModuleBytes
        CLValueEncoder clve = new CLValueEncoder();
        payment.encode(clve, true);
        session.encode(clve, true);
        byte[] sessionAnPaymentHash = Blake2b.digest(clve.toByteArray(), 32);

        PublicKey fromPublicKey = PublicKey.fromAbstractPublicKey(fromPrivateKey.derivePublicKey());

        DeployHeader deployHeader = DeployHeader
        deployHeader.encode(clve, true);
        byte[] headerHash = Blake2b.digest(clve.toByteArray(), 32);

        Signature signature = Signature.sign(fromPrivateKey, headerHash);

        List<Approval> approvals = new LinkedList<>();

        return Deploy.builder()
